The Real Truth About Six-Pack Abs

The Real Truth About Six-Pack Abs

By Craig, Certified Personal Trainer

“How can I get a flat stomach?”

It’s one of the most commonly asked questions, yet most misunderstood concepts, of exercise Whether it’s shedding excess weight off one’s midsection or trying to obtain the Holy Grail of fitness (the vaunted six-pack), many people spend countless hours in the gym trying to perfect this one area more than any other. What makes it so difficult to achieve is not a lack of effort but a lack of understanding. I’ll illustrate some of the reasons why getting a tighter tummy has eluded so many, despite great effort..

Crunchy Chopped Salad with Grilled Salmon

Crunchy Chopped Salad with Grilled Salmon

I am always looking for new salad creations and this one has become my new favorite.  It is crunchy, full of flavor and completely satisfying.  If you don't like prepping vegetables it may not be the right salad for you but it is worth the work.  The salad dressing is a variation of a Cesar dressing without the cheese and packs tons of flavor with only a drizzle.  It is also great on roasted cauliflower and other hearty roasted vegetables.  

Roasted Sweet Potatoes

Roasted Sweet Potatoes

With the cold weather finally setting in I'm tired of cold salads and ready for warm hearty meals.  Roasted Sweet Potatoes is super easy and one of my favorites.  You can make a few pans of them on Sunday and save them in containers to have during the week.  Add them to scrambled egg whites or tossed on a salad to replace croutons.  They add a hint of sweetness and are an excellent source of vitamin A (in the form of beta-carotene). They are also a very good source of vitamin C, manganese, copperpantothenic acid and vitamin B6.

Japanese Creamy Sesame Dressing

Japanese Creamy Sesame Dressing

I first tasted this dressing on a seaweed salad at a Japanese restaurant.  I later learned it had eggs and was full of salt so no wonder it tasted so good!  I wanted to make it vegan but still keep it flavorful and rich tasting.  I think I accomplished that and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.  Use fresh butter lettuce, sliced radishes and avocado for a refreshing salad.